Search Results
I Spectated a Bronze Orisa who sat there and did nothing in Overwatch 2
I Spectated A Bronze Junkrat Who Could Not Stop Flanking In Overwatch 2
I Spectated the WORST Bronze tank I've EVER SEEN in Overwatch 2!!!
I spectated a Bronze Player's FIRST Competitive Overwatch 2 Game EVER!!!
I SPECTATED a Bronze Reinhardt who had HUGE EGO in Overwatch 2
I spectated a bronze reinhardt who tried to be me
I Spectated A Bronze Player Who Decided To Play Mystery Heroes In Overwatch 2 Competitive
I Spectated A SPINBOTTING MOIRA In Overwatch 2 Mystery Heroes
I spectated a Bronze player who was completely new to Overwatch 2
I Spectated A Bronze Sombra That Had 52 Elims And STILL LOST In Overwatch 2
Overwatch 2 Bingo: Spectating BRONZE Junker Queen / Orisa
The LONGEST Spectating Bronze Game I've EVER SEEN in Overwatch 2